
GNU LilyPond

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GNU LilyPond

[picture of lily-cello-girl]

What is LilyPond?

LilyPond prints beautiful sheet music. It produces music notation from a description file. It excels at typesetting classical music, but you can also print pop-songs.

LilyPond input is plain text. So, you can use your favorite text editor to enter it, you can put it in mail or embed it in an article like this:

\key c \minor r8 c16 b c8 g as c16 b c8 d | g,4
[picture of music]
Or you can use it to print music from other programs, using one of the various input filters.

LilyPond output looks beautiful. The font and the layout algorithms were inspired by engraved music, so you can expect that same clear and elegant look from your LilyPond output. And if anything is not to your liking, you can tweak almost everything.

LilyPond is free software. It is part of the GNU Project. It is licensed under GNU General Public License, so you can use, modify and redistribute the program with almost no restrictions.

LilyPond has a stable version and a development version. This webpage is for the stable version. This means that it won't change much, and it is essentially bug-free. The development releases contain experimental and often buggy code, so you should use those if you need any special new features. If you're still insterested, you may visit the latest development website.

Want to know more?

If you want to know more, visit the documentation page. If you want to see some sheet music, then have a look at the examples. For even more sheet music, head over to the Mutopia Project.

Go back to index of LilyPond.

Please send GNU LilyPond questions and comments to lilypond-user@gnu.org.

Please send comments on these web pages to (address unknown)

Copyright (c) 1997--2002 Han-Wen Nienhuys and Jan Nieuwenhuizen.

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.

This page was built from LilyPond-1.6.6 (stable-branch) by

root <(address unknown)>, Wed Oct 23 10:59:41 2002 PDT.