%% Generated by lilypond-book.py %% Options: [exampleindent=10.16\mm,indent=0\mm,line-width=160\mm,quote] \include "lilypond-book-preamble.ly" % **************************************************************** % Start cut-&-pastable-section % **************************************************************** \paper { indent = 0\mm line-width = 160\mm % offset the left padding, also add 1mm as lilypond creates cropped % images with a little space on the right line-width = #(- line-width (* mm 3.000000) (* mm 1)) line-width = 160\mm - 2.0 * 10.16\mm % offset the left padding, also add 1mm as lilypond creates cropped % images with a little space on the right line-width = #(- line-width (* mm 3.000000) (* mm 1)) } \layout { } % **************************************************************** % ly snippet: % **************************************************************** \sourcefilename "keyboard-headword.ly" \sourcefileline 0 %% DO NOT EDIT this file manually; it is automatically %% generated from LSR http://lsr.di.unimi.it %% Make any changes in LSR itself, or in Documentation/snippets/new/ , %% and then run scripts/auxiliar/makelsr.py %% %% This file is in the public domain. \version "2.18.0" \header { lsrtags = "headword" texidoc = " Keyboard headword " doctitle = "Keyboard headword" } % begin verbatim % M. Ravel, Sonatine (1905) % First movement \include "english.ly" \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } fermataLong = \markup { \override #'(direction . 1) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2) { \dir-column { \fermata \text \italic \center-align long } } } \new PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t \new Staff { \time 2/4 \key fs \major << \new Voice { \voiceOne fs''8 ( ^\markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.4) \column { \line \bold { Un peu retenu } \line \italic { très expressif } } } es''16 cs''16 as'4 ) | fs''8 ( es''16 cs''16 as'4 ) | fs''8 ( es''16 cs''16 as'8 cs''8 ) | } \new Voice { \voiceTwo gs'8\rest \ppp fs'4 ( es'8 ) | gs'8\rest fs'4 ( es'8 ) | gs'8\rest fs'4 ( es'8 ) | } >> \clef bass 4 ( ^ \markup \bold { Rall. } \override Script.stencil = #(lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob fermataLong)) 8 ) \fermata \noBeam \clef treble \slurUp \once \override Hairpin.to-barline = ##f 8 ( \pp \> | 4. \! ) ^\markup \bold { a Tempo } \slurUp 8 ^\( \> | 4. \! \) << \new Voice { \voiceOne 8 ( | cs'8 ^\markup \bold { Rallentando } b16 cs'16 d'8 e'16 fs'16 | 4. ) s8 | r8 4 \arpeggio e''16 ( ^\markup \bold { Lent } fs''16 | \voiceTwo 2 ) | } \new Voice { \voiceTwo s8 | 4 \< 4 \> | s4. \! \slurUp \once \override Script.direction = #UP 8 ( \accent | 4. ) \once \override Hairpin.to-barline = ##f 8 \ppp \> | s8 \! \stemDown \once \override Script.direction = #UP \ottava #1 \voiceOne \once \override PianoStaff.Arpeggio.padding = #0.8 4. \arpeggio \fermata \ottava #0 \bar "|." } >> } \new Staff << \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket \key fs \major \clef bass \new Voice { \voiceOne ds'4 \tenuto cs'4 \tenuto | ds'4 \tenuto cs'4 \tenuto | ds'4 \tenuto cs'4 \tenuto | s8 \clef treble 8 [ \clef bass 8 \fermata ] s8 | fs8\rest \clef treble 4 \tenuto s8 | fs8\rest \clef treble 4 \tenuto s8 | s2 | ds8\rest \clef treble 4 \clef bass s8 | s8 \clef treble 4 \arpeggio \clef bass s8 | s8 \clef treble 4. \arpeggio \fermata | } \new Voice { \voiceTwo ds'8 [ ( < ds bs >8 cs'8 < ds as >8 ] ) | ds'8 [ ( < ds bs >8 cs'8 < ds as >8 ] ) | ds'8 [ ( < ds bs >8 cs'8 < ds as >8 ] ) | \once \override Script.outside-staff-priority = #100 \once \override TextScript.outside-staff-priority = #500 4. \fermata _\markup \italic { ped. } 8 ( | 4. ) \sustainOn \clef bass 8 \( \sustainOff | 4. \) \sustainOn \clef bass 8 ( \sustainOff | 4 4 | 4. ) \sustainOn 8 ( \sustainOff | 4. ) \sustainOn \slurUp 8 ( \sustainOff \sustainOn | 2 ) \sustainOff \sustainOn | } >> >> % **************************************************************** % end ly snippet % ****************************************************************