%% Generated by ../../scripts/lilypond-book.py %% Options: [linewidth=160\mm,printfilename,indent=0\mm,texidoc] #(set! toplevel-score-handler ly:parser-print-score) #(set! toplevel-music-handler (lambda (p m) (ly:parser-print-score p (ly:music-scorify m p)))) \paper { #(define dump-extents #t) linewidth = 160\mm indent = 0\mm } \layout { } % ly snippet: \renameinput "partial-blank.ly" \version "2.4.0" % check with invisible-notes or blank-notes. possible rename. -gp \header{ texidoc = "@cindex Partial Blank When entering partially typeset music (i.e. for students to be completed by hand), you may need the spacing that correspond to the timing of notes: all measures have same length, etc. It can be implemented by adding an invisible staff with a lot of fast notes. " } quickmeasure = { \repeat unfold 16 c''16 } mel = \relative c' {c16 d16 e8 a4 g2 e8 d c2. g'1 e4 d c2} \score { \context PianoStaff << \new Staff << \clef G \new Voice {\mel} \new Voice { \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t \override Stem #'transparent = ##t \override Beam #'transparent = ##t \repeat unfold 4 \quickmeasure } >> \new Staff {\clef F s1*4} >> \layout {} } % end ly snippet